Saturday, May 4, 2024

Learn About Instagram Hashtag Limit for Better Brand Management

Instagram hashtags could reap huge benefits for brands and companies that wish to reach their target audience on Instagram. To put this precisely, businesses can harness the power of hashtags to build their brand as well as grow in terms of success. However, there are certain facts that you must never ignore when using hashtags – the limits. Yes, there are certain limits to using hashtags and Instagram algorithms could even block your account, in many cases. 

Therefore, before you jump into choosing and using hashtags, do not forget to read about the various Instagram hashtag limits. Keeping these few tricks handy would help you stay away from trouble. And, you can enjoy building your brand in the most positive manner. 

But before everything else, let’s talk a little about what hashtags are and how they work exactly. Follow through the end of the article to understand how to perfectly utilize hashtags without missing out the important details.

What Are Instagram Hashtags?

What does a hashtag look like? If you are scrolling through your Instagram account’s feed, how would you locate where the hashtags are? These questions are very common for those who have just started their Instagram account. 

First of all, hashtags start from the ‘#’ symbol. These are a combination of numbers and letters. Sometimes, you will also find emojis in the hashtags. For instance, #InstagramFilter. These are clickable links and would take you to the hashtag page when clicked. The page will list all the posts tagged using that particular Instagram hashtag. 

In other words, using Instagram hashtags, you can make your posts discoverable to interested audiences. So, even if your target users are not following your page, and are following the hashtag, they will be able to view your post. 

Using these hashtags, you can increase your reach and build your customer base. Isn’t that the reason why you created your brand page in the first place? However, there are certain dos’ and don’ts you must not ignore. 

Instagram Hashtag Limits

There isn’t only a limit to the number of Instagram hashtags you are using for each post, but also to the selection of your hashtags. Consistent tagging of irrelevant hashtags could put your account into trouble. Moreover, you won’t be able to reach out to the right audience. So, in any way, you are not doing any good to your brand as well as your business.

When it comes to the Instagram hashtag limit, you can use at most 30 hashtags at once for a post and a maximum of 10 hashtags when posting a story. In case you include excess of hashtags beyond the set limit, your post won’t go through.

You would already have started exploring all the 30 hashtags to include for your next post. But wait! Excess of everything is bad and that implies so too. Although you have 30 hashtags permission, you must strategize your move. On an average, around 10-11 hashtags, chosen carefully, could provide amazing results. And, your post would look clear and concise. 

Hence, instead of wasting your time putting around 30 hashtags in your every post, focus on selecting the right hashtag. Even 2 or 3 of the popular and relevant hashtags could generate results. With the course of time, you would find out what is working for you and your business. So, never leave sight of your strategies and keep exploring for better ones.

Categories of Instagram Hashtags

Different users use Instagram for different purposes. Some like to advertise about their products and services. However, others may wish to post just a usual picture from work, signifying what Mondays look like. And, there could be many other reasons for posting with a hashtag. 

Therefore, the social media account lets you choose between nine different categories of hashtags. 

  •  Users can pick hashtags for posting about their products and services such as #MobileShop
  •  There are hashtags for outlining your particular business niche such as #InteriorDecorator.
  •  Instagram Hashtags could also define the Instagram communities related to a specific industry such as #FashionBloggerofInstagram
  •  You can pick hashtags to define the special occasion or season. For instance, #Christmas or #NewYear, or #WeddingParty.
  •  There are location hashtags as well. Although the geo tabs are on, however, posting your pictures with the location hashtags would get you more exposure. For instance, #MadeinSydney.
  •  Then there are daily hashtags describing your usual day at office. For example, #OfficeonMonday.
  •  Users can choose hashtags related to phrases describing their work on interest such as #behappy.
  •  Did you know that acronyms are pretty popular as hashtags? Yes, they are. For instant, #qotd. (qotd – Quote of the Day).
  •  And, let us complete the list with emoji hashtags.

Benefits of Instagram Hashtags for Businesses and Brands

After so much explanation, one thing is pretty clear: Brands and New Businesses can grow without a need for any fancy advertisement campaigns using Instagram platform. And, doing so won’t be possible without creating an account for the same. 

Yes, if you wish to enjoy the benefits of social engagement for your brand, you must not ignore creating an Instagram profile with your brand’s name and connecting with your target audience. Do not forget to keep your password handy. Because once you have set your account with trending posts and a huge number of followers, you won’t like losing your login credentials. 

In case you do, do not forget to use Instagram hacker tool to recover your password. By just entering your profile’s username, you can hack your Instagram account password, without running through complex steps. This online hacker tool could offer instant solutions for your problem. And, you can start posting and creating more user base for your brand, without needing to start from scratch.

The Conclusion

Most of us check out posts with Instagram hashtags and forget to use them when it comes to building our own business through online marketing. This is why a lot of businesses aren’t able to benefit through their Instagram posts as those who use Hashtags. So, check out the Instagram hashtag limits and the usage tips to turn your company into the most trending brand on Instagram.