Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Most Important Google Analytics Metrics to Track

Advertising online isn’t only about publishing posts. It also helps to track the progress of the campaign. It will determine what other strategies the company needs to do to be successful. It also shows where the business stands after implementing the online marketing strategies. If the company is heading in the right direction, the strategies are working. Otherwise, there might be some necessary changes. The good thing is that there are different ways to track the success of the online marketing campaign. It also helps to work with Google Analytics services to understand the progress level. 

These are the Google Analytics metrics that are worth analyzing.

  • Volume of traffic. The first thing to consider when analyzing the success of the marketing campaign is by checking the traffic. If more people decided to visit the page, it’s a positive sign. It means that the content is appealing. Some people looked at different pages and found more information about the company. Of course, traffic volume doesn’t provide a complete picture. However, analyzing it is an excellent start.
  • Number of new and returning visitors. It also helps to analyze the breakdown of new and returning visitors. It’s important to target more people to visit the page. When there are plenty of new visitors, there’s a possibility that some of them will become loyal customers. However, returning visitors are also important. If they didn’t become customers on their first visit, they might do it the next time. It also shows that they found something interesting on the page for them to give it another look.
  • Conversion rate. Of course, the conversion rate is the ultimate goal of online marketing. It’s not enough to ask people to visit the page. It doesn’t matter if there are millions of visitors if none of them became customers. Conversion rate refers to the number of people who decided to explore the website and decide to buy the products and services. The goal is to entice more people to understand the content and eventually pay. If the traffic volume is high but the conversion rate is low, something needs to change. The web content might not be interesting enough. It’s also possible that everything is unclear for the readers. 
  • Bounce rate. This term refers to the number of people who clicked the link to the website and decided to leave right away. Understandably, some visitors might not buy on their first visit. However, they should at least explore the website and determine what the company offers. If they didn’t even last for a minute before closing the tab, it’s a problem. If the bounce rate is high, it shows that the website isn’t interesting at all. People didn’t find anything you or unique. It’s also possible that the website is difficult to navigate. The tabs are messy and confusing. If the bounce rate continues to increase, it also correlates with the conversion rate. Unless the company finds a way, they will never become loyal customers.
  • Lead generation cost. While online marketing is generally free, there are services that the company needs to pay for. If the return of investment to generate leads isn’t high enough, there should be some changes in the strategy. For instance, if the business invests in the pay per click campaign, it can be expensive. It depends on the quality of the keywords purchased. If no lead got generated despite using the strategy, the business didn’t use it well. 
  • Conversion of return visitors. Analyzing the conversion rate of return visitors is also crucial. Sure, it’s a good thing that they decided to return and explore the website. However, if they still decided against buying on their second visit, the company needs to assess the website. It’s also possible that these users didn’t find what they’re looking for. Perhaps, a promotion can help them consider buying the products and services. If they don’t find any reason to spend money, their second visit will go to waste. 

The good thing is that there are different tools available to determine if the online marketing strategies are doing well. The Google Analytics services are among them. Since this tool came from Google, it’s worth paying for. There are premium features available that will help the company track the progress of the campaigns. It’s not enough to understand the metrics and decide if everything is heading in the right direction. There should also be efforts in improving the website and changing the online strategies if possible. Otherwise, the company will continue to be behind the game, and other businesses will soar high.