Monday, May 6, 2024

4 Essential Drone Flying Tips for Beginners

Did you know that the sales of hobby drones alone were expected to reach 4.3 million during 2020?

Whether you want to fly one in your backyard, or you might plan to set up a business using the technology. In either case, drone flying is becoming incredibly popular. 

If you are new to the game, why do you need to know? What tips can help you to fly safely and protect your investment? Why not read on to find out?

1. Find a Safe Place to Practice

When learning how to fly a drone, your first step is to find a place to practice flying it. You will want a large open area free of hard objects that could break your drone if you crash it.

You should also avoid any place where people could unexpectedly pass by, as even a small collision could lead to a lawsuit. It would be good to check government law in your area before regularly practicing in a particular location.

If you do have an accident and are looking for a place to repair your drone, why not check out the professionals at They leverage years of experience to help you out.

2. Find a Suitable Surface

It might sound like one of the most basic drone flying tips but always start your drone flying practice from a flat, level surface.

If you place the drone on a solid flat surface each time, you will be able to benefit from a predictable takeoff, without having to correct the angle of the drone immediately after takeoff.

3. Takeoff and Landing

One of the most important skills to learn when flying a drone is taking off and landing. In fact, we recommend you spend most of your time learning how to do this seemingly simple process in the beginning. 

Since many accidents happen immediately after takeoff or when landing, this is a crucial part to get right. Practice takeoff and lifting the drone to a height of 1-2 meters. After this hover and practice keeping it level. Follow this by lowering it slowly into a safe landing. 

While this might seem repetitive, you will be glad that you took the time to do this and avoided simple accidents.

4. Hovering and Stability

After you have mastered taking off and landing, one of the most important tips for flying drones is to learn to retain stability in different environments. 

Try taking your drone up to a high altitude and maintaining its height and stability there. Next, choose a day with a slightly stronger breeze and do the same.

Each small change in circumstance is a chance to improve your skills in handling your drone in different circumstances.

Everything You Need to Know About Drone Flying and Much More

Learning professional drone flying techniques is not just about having fun. It can open up employment opportunities in industries from advertising to real estate to professional photography.

Why not try out some of the tips that we have discussed today and start building your portfolio?

Would you like to know even more? Why not head over to our blog page where we have lots more articles like this waiting for you.