Sunday, May 5, 2024

How Do Solar Panels Work? A Detailed Guide

Solar energy is the most abundant resource available to us on Earth. As a clean, renewable, and plentiful source of energy, it can help us move into a future that is greener and more environmentally sustainable. Compared to non-renewable forms of energy such as fossil fuels, solar power is a more optimal power resource.

More and more homeowners in the United States say that they are seriously considering installing solar panels on their property. As we will see later on, there is a wide range of benefits of solar panel installation in a growing city like San Diego. These are in addition to the environmental benefits.

But exactly how do solar panels work? The science behind how solar radiation from the sun, some 151.64 million km away from us, heats the water in our kettle and powers our televisions is truly impressive. Let’s take a closer look at solar panel science and the practical benefits of switching to solar power.

How Do Solar Panels Work?

It all starts with the sun, of course. Let’s skip forward past the part where the solar radiation hurtles through space and focus on how the panels on our roofs convert that energy into something manageable. Solar panel technology has rapidly advanced in recent years. This, thankfully, has pushed the cost of switching to solar far lower than it was even a decade ago.

Today’s solar panels are made with:

  • Silicon cells, which may also be known as photovoltaic cells
  • A metal frame
  • Glass casing
  • Wiring
  • Inverter

As noted, these panels are typically grouped together on residential rooftops, or in larger outdoor spaces such as fields.

Naturally, solar panels work best in locations where there is considerable sunlight. They are generally unobstructed on rooftops, for example.

Each of the aforementioned silicon cells acts as a semiconductor wafer with two layers, a positively charged layer, and a negatively charged layer. When photons from sunlight hit these cells, they are energized and an electric field is created. Within the semiconductor wafer, loose electrons are put into motion and this, in turn, creates an electric current.

Another important piece of equipment that we need to highlight is an inverter. This equipment converts the direct current electricity that is created into alternating current electricity. It is then this converted electricity that is used to power your home and heats the water for your bath or shower.

What Are the Benefits of Solar Panels?

Now that we know more about the science behind solar energy, let’s consider some of the benefits.

Household Benefits

Most people will consider solar panels first and foremost from a financial point of view. This makes sense, given the rising cost of energy prices in the United States and the potential for significant savings over the lifespan of solar panels. This is approximately 25 years.

The Google Project Sunroof project is one great resource for estimating the potential savings that your household could realize by making the switch to solar energy. To calculate the potential savings for your household, it considers:

  • Your property’s location
  • The available space for solar panels
  • The number of usable sunlight hours per year

Through net metering, whereby you can sell excess electricity that your home has generated to the grid, you can even earn useful cash through your solar panel system.

Environmental Benefits

The threat posed by climate change should be clear to everyone and unless we as humans take action to address this crisis, our very futures are at risk. In a personal capacity, one of the best things that you can do to protect the environment is to switch to solar energy.

For starters, solar panels reduce the amount of air pollution created. Solar panels also help to reduce water usage, given how much water nuclear energy and hydropower, for example, use to produce electricity. At a time when so many regions are facing water shortages, this benefit of solar energy is clear.

If more people choose solar energy, humanity’s dependence on non-renewable energy sources will decrease. Sources such as oil and coal will eventually run out, therefore the reliance on these energy sources should be avoided in the long term.

As a whole, the increasing popularity of solar energy helps to fight climate change. Using solar energy, we reduce our collective carbon footprint and help to reverse the already visible impact that climate change is having on the planet.

Check out the best solar blogs to learn more about the main benefits of switching to solar energy and the impressive science behind how solar panels work.

Discover the Benefits of Solar Energy In Your Household

As we have seen, the science and technology behind solar panels are quite fascinating. The ability for humans to capture and utilize solar radiation is a wonderful advantage, particularly as we seek the reverse the effects of climate change.

In a financial sense, residential solar panels can save homeowners thousands of dollars over the approximately 25-year lifespan of solar panels. Your household will be less dependent on the grid and will be supporting a greener environment.

If you have been considering buying solar panels, now is the best time. Thanks to advancements in solar technology, increased public demand, and a range of state and national tax incentives, solar energy has never before been so affordable.

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