Sunday, February 2, 2025

World of Warcraft beginner’s guide 2021

World of Warcraft is an online multiplayer RPG (role-playing game), it first debuted in 2007 and since then has enjoyed a roaring audience. Most of the beginners don’t even have the first clue how to start with WoW on the right foot and it can be problematic for them in the long run – farming Raids, Mythic pluses and leveling character. If you are a regular WoW player who was taking a break from the game then you won’t have any problem fitting back into it. But if you are someone who is going to take it up from scratch you definitely need some guidance. The most preferable way for you is to get wow boost and save your time and nerves by playing with boosters. Boosters will coach you how to play better, help you with completing Raids and Mythic+. Carries are widespread in WoW – it’s completely fine to buy boost in order to save a lot of money – because it costs 2$/h.  In this WoW beginner’s guide 2021 you will get to learn a great deal about the game in general, how does it work, where should you start, and how boosting services work. So, without further ado let’s get right into it;

  • How boosting services work

Firstly, you should order the wow service you prefer – as you do that boosting provider will look for a booster for your order – time of waiting won’t be longer than 10 minutes so that you will get your wow carry smoothly. Secondly, you can AFK during the boost or play with boosters – either you wish! The best thing for newcomers that boosters will tell you how to play better and reach more playing less. In conlusion, you’ll get all the dropped loot will be traded to you by boosting team.

  • Check your PC requirements

The first order of business would be to check out if your system such as PC or laptop is compatible with the game. You don’t want a lagging experience or anything short of thrilling. Blizzard Entertainment has the complete list of the requirements available online, be sure to check these out. The rule of thumb when it comes to WoW is that if your computer was built after 2010 then it has the hardware configuration necessary to play the game. But on the other hand, if it was built before 2010 then you have to upgrade your PC.

  • Choosing a server

After setting up the game and your PC the next step is to choose a server. It doesn’t end with choosing a server, you also have to pick a race from the WoW characters and then choose a class for your character. The best way of doing that is to consult with your friends as you would want to be on the same server they are so you can enjoy the game together. On the other hand, if you wish to fly solo then it is best to choose the servers that are well-populated rather than overcrowded. A middle-sized server is ought to do the trick for you as later on, you can upgrade to a more populated one as your rank and interest in the game develops.

  • Choosing a playable WoW race for your character

This is the most important decision you are going to make when it comes to WoW because it doesn’t matter whichever character you choose you are going to be stuck to play with them throughout the entirety of your WoW exploration. There are two main classes that are; Alliance and Horde. These classes then have multiple characters to choose from, be thorough with every list and the role that is assigned to that specific character of you. This is the only way of picking up what you truly want to be within the game.

  • Choosing a specialization and profession in WoW

The next step along the line is to choose a specific profession and specialization in WoW. It might seem like a honey bee guild where every worker bee is given a specific task/duty over the experience it has but to become a successful WoW player you would have to do exactly the same. Every class offers 2 to 3 different specializations and you can choose your specialization when you are level 10. Once you have selected a specialization you continue to nurture it and by the time you reach level 30 you are able to take on two different specializations. If you are unhappy with the specialization that you have acquired you can change it simultaneously.

Every character allows you to choose over 2 professions within WoW and it is important that you make a decision regarding your profession. Some players might disagree with the need to have a profession but simultaneously it is going to be a good thing for you. You can use your profession within WoW to level up and also making enough money while you are out there on quests.

  • Level up your power

Last but not least you are advised to level up your power once you are done with selecting a specialization and a profession. Leveling up means that you have to get as many levels as you can for minimal play. The best way to do so is to use a WoW leveling guide as everything is pretty much laid out for you and you will have all the help you need to level up in no time.