Sunday, February 2, 2025

Your Complete Local SEO Checklist for 2021

It is about time to lock things into high gear for 2021, and if businesses intend to experience any kind of success, the most crucial thing is to strike while the iron is hot! The best place to strike would be the digital marketing landscape, as most online users are cautious about online products that do not have accompanying reviews or testimonials. If the products are from a relatively unknown business, chances are that most people would take the time to look elsewhere.

That said, search engine optimization (SEO) has something to offer just about every company looking to make their mark. In fact, local SEO services can help even newer companies maintain a stride in the new year. It is especially crucial for newer businesses that still have a stake in a physical establishment. The brick-and-mortar companies are having a challenging time due to the lockdowns changing the way things work.

That said, there is no reason to get stressed when it comes to dealing with digital marketing and search engine optimization. Maintaining consistency is crucial and it is all about making preparations for the current industry landscape. Here is the complete local SEO checklist for 2021!

Is your website mobile-friendly?

The first thing to consider, not just with local SEO but just about everything else, is whether the primary website can be converted into a similarly convenient mobile platform. While newer companies have to put up with a lot of work to make such a thing happen, it is well worth the effort. The fact of the matter is that there still are not enough people taking full advantage of what the mobile market has to offer. Even with the clear results of last year’s online holiday shopping spree, many businesses are still content to utilize a mostly browser-based page experience.

To ensure that local SEO is as reinforced as possible, it all starts with the way the website is built. By taking the time to ensure that the mobile platform is superior (or at least equal) to the browser, it shows the company owner’s intent to future proof their business. It is crucial not to let such a valuable opportunity go to waste.

For those who are focusing on eCommerce and are unable to utilize the full potential of the mobile market for one reason or another, the best thing to do would be to use an online marketplace to get the job done — Amazon being one of the most popular platforms.

Is your website focused on a positive user experience (UX)?

One of the reasons why the user experience is so crucial in 2021 is that the Google Page Experience Update (going live in May) has the capacity to change the way search engine optimization works. Most local SEO services are doing their best to ensure that user-friendliness is a priority, as the Google Page Experience Update is all about a positive user experience.

That said, it is understandable to be confused when it comes to what a positive user-experience is even about. To help put things into perspective, much of it revolves around convenience and respecting the online user’s time. In the shoes of an online shopper, it would be upsetting to have to navigate a website that is not only complicated but is slow to load. Keeping things as convenient as possible is never a bad idea, as it is a step forward no matter the scenario. If the UX is the goal, the only thing to keep in mind is to lower load times and keep things as simple as possible.

Are you using content marketing with local SEO in mind?

They say that content is king, and it is a phrase that continues to be relevant in the new year. A good way of advertising any website would be through the use of backlinks, and worthwhile, relevant articles/blogs. Good content marketing ensures that all of the blogs hosted on the primary website is relevant to the products and services rendered.

That said, there is also another advantage in the form of geo-targeting. Content marketing can be elevated further by ensuring that the blog/articles utilize not just encouragement to purchase products and services but to connect it to the location in question. From local events to why the business is working in that specific location, there are plenty of ways to use long-form content and help online users relate with the company. While it might take some practice, just about every local business can try to make things work with the help of geo-targeted content marketing.

Would you consider the pay-per-click (PPC) method?

While traditional SEO methods can get the job done, there are times when a business needs results right away so it can capitalize on its strengths. To achieve such a goal, there is an off-page advertising method known as PPC, which allows companies to spread their message far and wide with the help of adverts and paid results. While it might cost much more than the typical SEO strategy, the analytics provided by the PPC method can help a company develop a solid strategy with the help of keywords and various other types of user data. Keep in mind that while it does provide an expensive route for new companies, the results are without question.

Aside from many of the tips above, it is always a good idea to work toward gaining rapport with an online audience with the help of social media influencers. After all, local SEO services can help startups reach out to various content creators in different social media channels that might be interested in a partnership. The best part about letting the professionals help is the fact that the company owner can focus on other matters while letting specialists get the job done. They can also simultaneously learn from their efforts, in the event that the business might want to try their hand at local SEO methods without help. Either way, it would be a good idea to keep the local SEO checklist handy for 2021!